Our Menu ESPRESSODouble shot of espresso, 2ozCORTADODouble shot of espresso with equal parts milk, 4oz.FLAT WHITEDouble shot of espresso, steamed milk, thin layer of foam, 8oz.LATTEDouble shot of espresso, steamed milk, thin layer of foam, 12 oz. ESPRESSODouble shot of espresso, 2ozCORTADODouble shot of espresso with equal parts milk, 4oz.FLAT WHITEDouble shot of espresso, steamed milk, thin layer of foam, 8oz.LATTEDouble shot of espresso, steamed milk, thin layer of foam, 12 oz. MACCHIATO Double shot of espresso, topped with foam, 3ozAMERICANODouble shot of espresso, hot water, 8oz.CAPPUCCINODouble shot of espresso with equal parts milk and foam, 8oz.MOCHA Double shot of espresso, chocolate, steamed milk, 12oz. MACCHIATO Double shot of espresso, topped with foam, 3ozAMERICANODouble shot of espresso, hot water, 8oz.CAPPUCCINODouble shot of espresso with equal parts milk and foam, 8oz.MOCHA Double shot of espresso, chocolate, steamed milk, 12oz. HOT CHOCOLATEChocolate, steamed milk, 12oz.